The Supreme – Store them in the freezer generally, if you’re not going to eat them within a week or so. Freezing them as soon as possible ensures that they will still taste freshly baked once it’s thawed out again. Remove it from the freezer at least 10 minutes before desired consumption. In the summer, I recommend eating them in a cold or semi frozen state. Remove the cookie from the freezer about 5 minutes before you want to eat it, it’s chewy, cold and perfect on a hot day.

The Supreme is also delicious when it’s warmed up for about 15 seconds in the microwave, if it’s frozen then about 25 seconds. It’s so delicious this way too! It’s soft and chewy and the chocolate chips melt again. This is a decadent way to eat it in the winter too.

The Obsession – Store them in the freezer generally, if you’re not going to eat them within a week or so. Freezing them as soon as possible ensures that they will still taste freshly baked once it’s thawed out again. Remove it from the freezer about 30 minutes before desired consumption. In the winter or anytime, this cookie is great warmed up, from frozen, in the microwave for 25 seconds or so. It becomes this warm, melty, gooey brownie experience that’s just so good and so decadent.

This cookie is best enjoyed in a fully thawed or warmed state, not partially frozen like the Supreme.

The Chocachewy – This product is to be stored in the refrigerator only. It’s not recommended for the freezer. They are best eaten within 2 weeks of purchase for maximum freshness. At room temperature the peanut butter in them gets soft and sticky and it will resemble cookie dough. Store it in the fridge until desired consumption time.

The Seedy Affair – This product is best stored in a cool environment or refrigerated. Do not freeze this product. This product falls apart when it’s warm, so I recommend enjoying this one in a room temperature or slightly chilled state.